Personal ACE Pilots for Down in Flames“Meet the Team”
Disclaimer: Rise of the Luftwaffe, Down in Flames are copyright GMT Games, Inc. Counter art is copyright
GMT Games, Inc. and RBMStudios, Inc.
This is a beta test of a long range campaign variant for GMT Games’ excellent air combat game series, Down in Flames. The campaign variant is called SQUADRON LEADER. SQUADRON LEADER focuses on the management and rotation of airplane fighter squadrons in World War 2. The players take on the role of Squadron Leaders for their respective nations. Combined with this game is the concept of PERSONAL ACES. This is a way of tracking the development of pilots from an unskilled (or “green”) state to a highly skilled, lethal fighter ace.
If you wish to learn more about SQUADRON LEADER, email me.
SQUADRON LEADER forms, narrative, rules and non-GMT artwork copyright Walter O’Hara 1998