From the papers of Colonel Hiram Oliphaunt KoB, VC, MP
(retired), Race Commissioner of the International Grand Circuit
commission, July 1883.
Welcome to the Grand Circuit vehicle design document. My batman, Hobkirk, has
finally wheedled me into transcribing some of my ideas and intentions concerning that
great international contest of skill and derring-do, known as the
Grand Circuit, or "Le Grand Cirque" in the vulgar, by the French (naturally).
Apparently the younger generation would benefit from reading this information on
their wire-connected ordination devices. Personally, I think it's all
a fad, but Hobkirk was most insistent.
As you well know, the Great Powers developed the Cirque
as a friendly contest between nations. It is hoped that in finding a more
positive outlet for those competitive instincts that arise in the breast of
every man, the participants will be more inclined to contest with each other on
the manly fields of sport rather than the battlefield. I will not give
credence to any rumor, but some day the entire story about the connection
between Cargill giving up his pole position to Ilyakin in '72 and the aversion
of total disaster in the Dardanelles Campaign of '75 will be fully
So with the peaceful intentions of the original race planners in
mind, let us delve into the basic tenants of conveyance design:
No gunpowder weapons: This is a peaceful contest, after all.
No human powered machines: a very broad restriction, with some caveats; entrants who use human power as a supplement to a machine-based motive power will not be excluded. Likewise, entrants that use human power in an entirely novel manner will not be excluded-- such as these newfangled bicycles and unicycles for example.
Absolutely NO horse powered conveyances. Let us not forget that the Cirque is the race of tomorrow.
There are three SIZE classes, and (roughly) seven MOTIVE classes acceptable for a LGC event. You can mix motive power and size as you see fit.
SIZE CLASSES (Note: based upon a 1:64 or roughly 28mm figure scale)
SMALL: S - Class vehicles are the smallest and most maneuverable conveyances there are. They do not do well in inter-vehicle collissions, but can maneuver out of tight places where other vehicles get stuck. S-Class vehicles range from single figures on roller skates, to bicyclists and unicycles. POWERED bicycles are S-Class as well.
MEDIUM: M - Class conveyances are less prone to balancing problems and can make a good account of themselves in collisions with larger conveyances. Examples of M - Class are steam powered motorcycles, buckboard-sized steam buggies, Small wind powered skateboards, etc.
LARGE: L - Class conveyances are almost invulnerable to balancing and overturning problems, and can hold up to most collisions. Unfortunately they are also the slowest conveyances on the table. Don't get stuck behind them on a crowded race course!
The following means of motive power are acceptable for the event:
STEAM: The most reliable means of power known to man, encompassing a small
boiler with some fuel.
GALVANIC: A groundbreaking means of locomotion,
comprising a "battery" that stores "electrical" power, a dynamo that charges the
battery, and a crude motor driven by the electrical power. The batteries
are quite dangerous, being filled with Aquia Regia, which is quite
WIND-POWERED: A conveyance that utilizes the power of the wind in
some fashion-- usually a sail, but sometimes a specially powered
CLOCKWORKS: A conveyance that uses a winding spring driving a
gear-based motor to provide motive force.
BIOLOGIC POWER: man or animal
powered, within specially defined boundaries. Examples are bicycles,
unicycles and specially modified wagons.
consider this to be Hoakum at best, there are some that promote the propriety of
including a "special" category of 'supernaturally' powered
conveyances. Examples of these are the alleged vampire coach, flying
carpets, etcetera.
CHEMICAL: The use of a chemical reaction-- usually
the burning of black gunpowder rockets-- to provide motive force to a
conveyance. May be used in combination as an assist to other conveyance
In addition, there is a subclass of conveyance called an AERONAUT that would
utilise one of the methods of motion mentioned above (usually human powered) to
propel a conveyance through the air.
For those of you who putter around with model soldiers, some suggestions for modelling racing conveyances for your own amusement.
Basing: JUST enough to keep the conveyance model upright, not any
more. For purposes of this simulation, the base is "non-space," and
does not simulate area controlled.
Flag Stand: Your model SHOULD carry a national flag device
if you are racing on behalf of a Great Power. If the model represents a
tribe, organization, or political party that DOES have a device, it should be
SMALL class vehicles are (very roughly) 5-8 CM long by 5 CM high. Size estimates based on actual model from wheel to tip of the pilot's head. Does NOT include items protuding from the conveyance or the base itself.
MEDIUM class vehicles are (again, very roughly) 8 to 11 CM long by 5-7 CM high.
LARGE class vehicles are (ditto, roughly) 10 to 15 CM long by 5-7 CM high.
Any vehicle larger than these rough guidlines would be considered X-L (too large to compete against).
The referee has the final judgement about what class to place a
conveyance in, or whether to exclude it altogether.