Boardgames - Oh, The Joy...
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Try your hand at the Wargamer's WORD SEARCH puzzle.
Boardgames: Mostly this means board WARgames for me, e.g., an attempt to depict a conflict situation using the format of a (usually) two-dimensional format, moving pieces over a depiction of terrain. Usually the map and pieces are cardboard. I like primarily historical subjects, but have been known to delve into Fantasy and Science Fiction now and then, as well as the new class of low-complexity, cool component games now being published by (mostly) the Germans and French. These are known as "Euros".
What's on this page?
Right now, the only projects I'm posting here are a variant page for Down in Flames (GMT-- it's sort of a board/card combo, but who's counting?), a page supporting Circus Maximus (Avalon Hill), and a Variant for OGRE (SJG) based on the moon. I've also included a few links supporting OGRELUNA.
Down in Flames, No Pasaran! page
Click HERE to view my progress in CIRCUS MAXIMUS PBeM (at Boris the Spider). I'm the Red Chariot, sad to say!
Review of ZERO, GMT Games
card list. I typed this up from Mike Lemick's notes (he's the developer of
the DiF series for GMT). I wanted to bounce what I got off of an official
[VARIANT] OgreLuna: Moving the World of OGRE to our own Moon
[VARIANT] Some variant
stuff for the game ILLUMINATI by Steve Jackson Games. This was originally
meant for the NOVAG club magazine and COUNTERMOVES. Since CONSIMWORLD got
a hold of it, you can see it HERE. Not for the faint of heart!
KONG RULES . This is actually an old
piece I wrote for the late and lamented VINDICATOR magazine. Parts of it are
in the Variant piece mentioned above. Basically a betting and guessing
variant for ILLUMINATI. I forgot it was here!!!
(Supporting Material)OgreLuna Counters: courtesy of a very talented artiste named Cisco. Not my stuff, but you will need these counters to play the OgreLuna variant. If you like OGRE, you should really visit CISCO'S OGRE PAGE. There are tons of variant counters there for the download. While you are at Cisco's site, follow the link to Stephen Beal's GENERIC OGRE/GEV MAP PAGE to download some free maps to play with.
Saturday Night at the Races: My Chariot Racing Games Page. The predominant focus of this site is the game CIRCUS MAXIMUS by Avalon Hill. However, with the publication of CIRCUS MINIMUS (the Gamers), I will be incorporating new material to the site as it gets developed. Beware, this is a frame environment. (badly needs updating, I know )
Shared Projects
(UPDATED LINK!!) a "guerilla Distribution" zine concept totally dedicated to
distributing small scale Micro game designs... for free! I occassionally
write for this magazine. Recent contributions have been a few puzzles (word
search type), a WWI Sniper in the Trenches game , and variants
for OGRE.
European Boardgames and Toronto Boardgamers Webpage
A great portal page for playing Euros and Family Games online.
Boardgame Geek's 'Browse By Title' Screen... quite useful to me
The Geek is an obvious source, natch. But it can be hard to navigate. This is a jump page to their title list.
The Hero Machine! A way of generating heroic illustrations
for projects. This is the homepage link; you can also generate a hero
online at UGO.COM (very commercial site)
BORIS THE SPIDER PBeM zine. Not free, but very
well done and very affordable. I'm playing Circus Maximus there at the
How to mount DTP counters, a Primer by Roy Bartoo on CSW
Acquire (Hotel Magnate game, by Sid Sackson)
Dice Stacking Game... Jeffrey Strunk (Game Cabinet thing. Lots of
Searchable Index of all OLD Avalon Hill GENERAL
Printable SCORE SHEETS for many games
GamePart.COM (replace old/lost game pieces.. an Amazon-style webstore)
Check it out! Java Version of SETTLERS OF CATAAN!
The Internet Top 100 Board Games List
Colossus, Java based client for playing AH's TITAN over the web. Not a bad idea!
JET, an automation tool for Europa games.
Warhorse Simulations, home of the ACTS card tracking system.
Virtual Sealed Envelopes, a system of making hidden movement via email possible.
Web Dice and other fine toys